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Omaľovánka pre dievčatá

Omaľovánka pre dievčatá

38 strán opakovane použiteľnej omaľovánky s dievčenskými ilustráciami pre deti vo veku od 3 - 6 rokov

Bežná cena 12,99€
Predajná cena 12,99€ Bežná cena 19,99€

Na sklade

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Zobraziť úplné podrobnosti

Kreativita, zvedavosť a predstavivosť v jednej farebnej omaľovánke: od princezien po čarovné stvorenia, táto omaľovánka je bránou do sveta, kde predstavivosť nepozná hranice. Nikdy vás neomrzí - pretože je opakovane použiteľná.

  • Zlepšuje jemnú motoriku
  • Zlepšuje schopnosť vizualizácie
  • Podporuje zvedavosť
  • Podporuje kreativitu
  • Rozvíja základné kognitívne zručnosti
  • Omaľovánka s 38 stranami
  • Voliteľné: 12 čarovných fixiek

Our Products: Designed with Your Child in Mind

Each of our products is created with the utmost care to ensure safety, durability, and educational value. From sensory toys that enhance tactile feedback to educational kits that build early math and language skills, our products are perfect for every young explorer.

Why Choose Montessori?

Montessori education is renowned for its focus on hands-on learning, self-exploration, and collaborative play. These methods nurture children’s development holistically, helping them become independent, confident, and capable learners.

The Kiddo World Advantage:

  • High-Quality Materials: All our products are made in the EU with non-toxic, sustainable materials, ensuring they are safe for your child and the environment.

  • Skill Development: Our toys and games are designed to improve fine motor skills, cognitive abilities, and concentration, setting your child up for success in school and beyond.

  • Reusability: With durability in mind, our products can be used repeatedly, making them a long-term investment in your child’s development.

  • Creative Freedom: Montessori principles encourage children to use their imagination, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.

Perfect for Every Family

Whether you're looking for the perfect gift or a new addition to your child's learning tools, our products are guaranteed to delight. With Kiddo World, you’re not just buying a toy; you're enhancing your child's ability to learn and grow.

Trusted by Families Worldwide

Join the millions of parents who have witnessed the transformative power of Kiddo World. Our testimonials speak volumes about the positive impact our products have on children's lives.

Kreativita, zvedavosť a predstavivosť v jednej farebnej omaľovánke: od princezien po čarovné stvorenia, táto omaľovánka je bránou do sveta, kde predstavivosť nepozná hranice. Nikdy vás neomrzí - pretože je opakovane použiteľná.

  • Zlepšuje jemnú motoriku
  • Zlepšuje schopnosť vizualizácie
  • Podporuje zvedavosť
  • Podporuje kreativitu
  • Rozvíja základné kognitívne zručnosti
  • Omaľovánka s 38 stranami
  • Voliteľné: 12 čarovných fixiek

Our Products: Designed with Your Child in Mind

Each of our products is created with the utmost care to ensure safety, durability, and educational value. From sensory toys that enhance tactile feedback to educational kits that build early math and language skills, our products are perfect for every young explorer.

Why Choose Montessori?

Montessori education is renowned for its focus on hands-on learning, self-exploration, and collaborative play. These methods nurture children’s development holistically, helping them become independent, confident, and capable learners.

The Kiddo World Advantage:

  • High-Quality Materials: All our products are made in the EU with non-toxic, sustainable materials, ensuring they are safe for your child and the environment.

  • Skill Development: Our toys and games are designed to improve fine motor skills, cognitive abilities, and concentration, setting your child up for success in school and beyond.

  • Reusability: With durability in mind, our products can be used repeatedly, making them a long-term investment in your child’s development.

  • Creative Freedom: Montessori principles encourage children to use their imagination, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.

Perfect for Every Family

Whether you're looking for the perfect gift or a new addition to your child's learning tools, our products are guaranteed to delight. With Kiddo World, you’re not just buying a toy; you're enhancing your child's ability to learn and grow.

Trusted by Families Worldwide

Join the millions of parents who have witnessed the transformative power of Kiddo World. Our testimonials speak volumes about the positive impact our products have on children's lives.


Zvoľte si svoje čarovné farby a odhaľte svoju kreativitu s našou farebnou omaľovánkou. 38 strán ilustrácií z dievčenského sveta je nevyhnutnosťou pre objavenie predstavivosti vašej dcéry. Po vyfarbení použite špongiu na očistenie omaľovánky a začnite odznova s novými farbami a nápadmi.

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