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Fingerprint Art Knjiga za Barvanje (3+ let)

Fingerprint Art Knjiga za Barvanje (3+ let)

Barvna knjiga za barvanje s paleto barv za ustvarjanje neskončnih umetniških del z uporabo le prstov in rok.

Običajna cena 1,99€
Prodajna cena 1,99€ Običajna cena 19,99€
Washable Color Pad - 12 Colors for Creative Projects
12 čarobnih barvnih markerjev
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Končno lahko vaši otroci zamenjajo papir za markerje in vodo. Prav ste slišali. Zahvaljujoč našim čarobnim vodnim markerjem po principih pedagogike Montessori bodo vaši otroci ustvarjali in vadili pisanje in risanje na prav poseben način. Čarobni markerji so nujni zabavni pripomoček za razvijanje otroških motoričnih sposobnosti in krepitev otroške ustvarjalnosti.

  • Only left in stock: 5 pieces
Oglejte si vse podrobnosti

Pripravite se na veliko zabave s knjigo za barvanje, kjer slikate in ustvarjate le s svojimi prsti in rokami. Knjiga za barvanje je polna živahnih živali, enorogov, balonov, tort, avtomobilov in drugih motivov za zabavno in ustvarjalno izkušnjo. Vaši otroci lahko uporabljajo svetle barve in svoje prste, da slikajo, kar želijo, kar omogoča, da njihova domišljija prosto teče, hkrati pa krepi senzorične spretnosti, ki pomagajo pri zgodnjem razvoju otrok. Barve so pralne in enostavne za čiščenje, preprosto jih obrišite s prstov s pomočjo otroških robčkov.

*Opozorilo! Ni primerno za otroke, mlajše od 3 let. Majhni deli. Grožnja z zadušitvijo.

  • 1 x Paleta pralnih barv (11 barv)
  • 1 x Knjiga za barvanje (36 strani), A4 format
  • Dimenzije knjige za barvanje (v mm): 210 x 297

At Kiddo World, we are dedicated to creating high-quality and safe educational products that help children develop essential skills through fun and creative play. Our philosophy is based on the belief that learning through play is the best way to nurture children's curiosity and growth.

Our collection is designed following Montessori principles and is suitable for children from 6 months onwards. Products like our workbooks, coloring books, and creative toys encourage fine motor skills, logical thinking, and independent exploration.

Why Choose Kiddo World?

  • Montessori Approach: Our products are designed to promote independent learning and creativity.
  • Quality Materials: We only use safe and eco-friendly materials, perfect for little hands.
  • Holistic Development: Each product helps children strengthen both mind and body through fun and educational activities.

Join our community of parents who support their children’s growth through quality and thoughtful products. At Kiddo World, we’re creating the future through play!

At Kiddo World, our products are designed with your child's holistic development in mind. We take pride in offering high-quality, safe, and educational solutions that allow children to learn through play. Here’s why our products are the perfect choice for your child:

  • Montessori Philosophy: All of our products are based on Montessori principles, encouraging independent learning, curiosity, and exploration. Children learn by engaging in activities on their own, helping them develop confidence and responsibility.
  • Encourages Fine Motor Skills: Our workbooks and creative toys are designed to strengthen fine motor skills, which are essential for writing, drawing, and everyday tasks.
  • Develops Logical Thinking: By solving puzzles, tracing lines, and completing tasks, our products promote logical and critical thinking, laying the foundation for successful school and life learning.
  • Creative Freedom: Our products offer plenty of space for imaginative expression. Children can create, draw, and color, fostering their creativity and love for art.
  • Safe and Eco-Friendly Materials: We use only safe, non-toxic, and eco-friendly materials suitable for young children. Parents can trust that our products are completely safe to use.
  • Suitable for Different Ages: Our products are tailored to children of various age groups, meaning they grow with the child and allow for new skill development at each stage.
  • Fun That Educates: Every product combines fun with learning. Children won’t even realize they’re learning because they’ll be so engrossed in playing, solving tasks, and creating.
  • Portability and Practicality: Our workbooks are compact and portable, making them easy to take anywhere – on trips, holidays, or just a visit to a friend’s house. Learning is always within reach!

Kiddo World products combine education and fun into one seamless experience, allowing children to develop in all areas – from creativity to logical thinking. Give your child the opportunity to become the best version of themselves through play!

  • What age are your products suitable for?
    Our products are designed for children aged 6 months and up. Each product includes a recommended age to help parents choose what’s best for their child’s developmental stage.
  • Are your products safe for children?
    Yes, all of our products are made from safe, non-toxic materials, suitable for young children. We adhere to the highest safety and quality standards.
  • How do your products support children’s development?
    Our products are designed based on Montessori principles and encourage various aspects of development, such as fine motor skills, logical thinking, creativity, and independence. Children learn through play and independent activities.
  • How long does delivery take?
    Delivery typically takes 3–5 business days within Slovenia, and international deliveries may take slightly longer depending on the country.
  • Do you offer returns if we are not satisfied?
    Yes, if you are not satisfied with our products, you can request a return within 30 days of receiving the item. For details, please see our return policy.
  • Can we use your products while traveling?
    Absolutely! Most of our products, such as workbooks and creative toys, are compact and portable, making them ideal for travel or holidays.

Pripravite se na veliko zabave s knjigo za barvanje, kjer slikate in ustvarjate le s svojimi prsti in rokami. Knjiga za barvanje je polna živahnih živali, enorogov, balonov, tort, avtomobilov in drugih motivov za zabavno in ustvarjalno izkušnjo. Vaši otroci lahko uporabljajo svetle barve in svoje prste, da slikajo, kar želijo, kar omogoča, da njihova domišljija prosto teče, hkrati pa krepi senzorične spretnosti, ki pomagajo pri zgodnjem razvoju otrok. Barve so pralne in enostavne za čiščenje, preprosto jih obrišite s prstov s pomočjo otroških robčkov.

*Opozorilo! Ni primerno za otroke, mlajše od 3 let. Majhni deli. Grožnja z zadušitvijo.

  • 1 x Paleta pralnih barv (11 barv)
  • 1 x Knjiga za barvanje (36 strani), A4 format
  • Dimenzije knjige za barvanje (v mm): 210 x 297

At Kiddo World, we are dedicated to creating high-quality and safe educational products that help children develop essential skills through fun and creative play. Our philosophy is based on the belief that learning through play is the best way to nurture children's curiosity and growth.

Our collection is designed following Montessori principles and is suitable for children from 6 months onwards. Products like our workbooks, coloring books, and creative toys encourage fine motor skills, logical thinking, and independent exploration.

Why Choose Kiddo World?

  • Montessori Approach: Our products are designed to promote independent learning and creativity.
  • Quality Materials: We only use safe and eco-friendly materials, perfect for little hands.
  • Holistic Development: Each product helps children strengthen both mind and body through fun and educational activities.

Join our community of parents who support their children’s growth through quality and thoughtful products. At Kiddo World, we’re creating the future through play!

At Kiddo World, our products are designed with your child's holistic development in mind. We take pride in offering high-quality, safe, and educational solutions that allow children to learn through play. Here’s why our products are the perfect choice for your child:

  • Montessori Philosophy: All of our products are based on Montessori principles, encouraging independent learning, curiosity, and exploration. Children learn by engaging in activities on their own, helping them develop confidence and responsibility.
  • Encourages Fine Motor Skills: Our workbooks and creative toys are designed to strengthen fine motor skills, which are essential for writing, drawing, and everyday tasks.
  • Develops Logical Thinking: By solving puzzles, tracing lines, and completing tasks, our products promote logical and critical thinking, laying the foundation for successful school and life learning.
  • Creative Freedom: Our products offer plenty of space for imaginative expression. Children can create, draw, and color, fostering their creativity and love for art.
  • Safe and Eco-Friendly Materials: We use only safe, non-toxic, and eco-friendly materials suitable for young children. Parents can trust that our products are completely safe to use.
  • Suitable for Different Ages: Our products are tailored to children of various age groups, meaning they grow with the child and allow for new skill development at each stage.
  • Fun That Educates: Every product combines fun with learning. Children won’t even realize they’re learning because they’ll be so engrossed in playing, solving tasks, and creating.
  • Portability and Practicality: Our workbooks are compact and portable, making them easy to take anywhere – on trips, holidays, or just a visit to a friend’s house. Learning is always within reach!

Kiddo World products combine education and fun into one seamless experience, allowing children to develop in all areas – from creativity to logical thinking. Give your child the opportunity to become the best version of themselves through play!

  • What age are your products suitable for?
    Our products are designed for children aged 6 months and up. Each product includes a recommended age to help parents choose what’s best for their child’s developmental stage.
  • Are your products safe for children?
    Yes, all of our products are made from safe, non-toxic materials, suitable for young children. We adhere to the highest safety and quality standards.
  • How do your products support children’s development?
    Our products are designed based on Montessori principles and encourage various aspects of development, such as fine motor skills, logical thinking, creativity, and independence. Children learn through play and independent activities.
  • How long does delivery take?
    Delivery typically takes 3–5 business days within Slovenia, and international deliveries may take slightly longer depending on the country.
  • Do you offer returns if we are not satisfied?
    Yes, if you are not satisfied with our products, you can request a return within 30 days of receiving the item. For details, please see our return policy.
  • Can we use your products while traveling?
    Absolutely! Most of our products, such as workbooks and creative toys, are compact and portable, making them ideal for travel or holidays.

Najboljši razvoj otrok poteka skozi igro

Brezmejne knjige za barvanje za neskončno ustvarjalnost, zabavo in učenje hkrati

Senzorični razvoj

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Barvanje s prsti in rokami stimulira senzorno izkušnjo otroka

Prepoznavanje barv

Prepoznavanje barv

Paleta barv in motivi v knjigi za barvanje spodbujajo prepoznavanje različnih barv

Predstavivost in kreativnost

Predstavivost in kreativnost

Zanimivi motivi spodbujajo otroke, da prosto ustvarjajo barvita mojstrovina

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Barve so 100% varne in netoksične

Senzorični razvoj

Senzorični razvoj

Barvanje s prsti in rokami stimulira senzorno izkušnjo otroka

Predstavivost in kreativnost

Predstavivost in kreativnost

Zanimivi motivi spodbujajo otroke, da prosto ustvarjajo barvita mojstrovina

Prepoznavanje barv

Prepoznavanje barv

Paleta barv in motivi v knjigi za barvanje spodbujajo prepoznavanje različnih barv

Brez nevarnosti za otroke

Brez nevarnosti za otroke

Barve so 100% varne in netoksične

Trusted by over 1,000,000 parents and children worldwide!

Abigail A.

Kupila sem to knjigo za barvanje za svojo 3-letno hčerko. To je zelo barvita knjiga, kjer slikate različne motive z odtisi prstov, pri čemer uporabljate paleto barv. Moja hči barva slike, kot ji je všeč, in jo to popolnoma navdušuje.

Alice B.

Odlična knjiga za barvanje za otroke, da slikajo in ustvarjajo samo s prsti. Barve so pralne in se enostavno odstranijo z oblačil, lahko pa jih obrišete s prstov z otroškimi robčki.

Amelia C.

Kupila sem knjige za barvanje za rojstnodnevno zabavo svoje hčerke, da bi se otroci malo zabavali. V enem trenutku so vsi otroci sedeli za mizo, ustvarjali s svojimi rokami in prsti ter se imeli odlično. Barva se je po tem zlahka oprala s mize in oblačil!

Annabelle D.

Popoln način, da vašega otroka zabavate, ko je bolan! Moja hči običajno ves dan gleda televizijo, toda ta knjiga za barvanje jo je držala stran od zaslona nekaj ur!

Audrey E.

Odlična knjiga za barvanje, da preživite zabaven čas z vnuki, ko pridejo na obisk!

Ava F.

Čeprav že imamo milijon knjig za barvanje, je ta resnično posebna! Ima nešteto zabavnih in raznolikih vzorcev, od balonov do enorogov in ljubkih živali. Z lastnimi prsti in rokami rišete in barvate. Moja hči se nikoli ne naveliča ustvarjati z njo.

Beatrice G.

Idealen knjiga za barvanje, ki sem jo kupila kot darilo za svojega nečaka. Zdaj skupaj ustvarjamo in barvamo, ne da bi naredili nered v sobi.

Bella H.

Barve v paleti so zelo pigmentirane, zato slike izpadejo čudovito. Kupila sem ločeno knjigo za barvanje za vsakega otroka, tako da lahko vsa družina skupaj ustvarja zvečer.

Bethany I.

Kupila sem to knjigo za barvanje za svojega vnuka in jo absolutno obožuje! Rad dela odtise prstov in ustvarja barvite dizajne. Zelo enostavno se čisti, zato se ne bojim, da bi barva posušila ali pustila madeže. Odličen nakup!

Bridget J.

Ta knjiga za barvanje je popolna za majhne otroke, ki radi ustvarjajo s svojimi rokami! Moj 2-letnik je vedno navdušen, ko mu dam knjigo, in ure preživi z barvanjem s svojimi prsti. Barve so pralne, zato ni skrbi glede neredu. Resnično neverjetno!

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